Research Article

A Study of Style Design in the Design of Local Specialty Products

liu liu 1 *
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1 Department, Dalian Art College, Dalian, 116622, China; * Corresponding Author
Innovation on Design and Culture, 3(4), 2024, 10-16,
Published: 30 December 2024
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The increasing importance of local specialty products in the marketplace, as a means of differentiation, reflects the consumer's pursuit of cultural uniqueness and connection. Against this backdrop, there is a marked interest among consumers in products that encapsulate cultural and regional distinctiveness. This study is focused on exploring the role and influence of style design within the context of local specialty product design. The integration of style design with local cultural characteristics presents both a challenge and a crucial success factor for designers of these products. Factor analysis is employed to identify key style elements in the design of local specialty products. These elements, combined with visual elements and symbols characteristic of the region, create a unique design style. Additionally, the study utilizes regression analysis via the Kano model to evaluate consumer acceptance and preferences for these integrated design attributes. The findings indicate that through strategic visual translation and precise design of elements, local specialty products can effectively manifest their distinctiveness, thereby appealing to consumers. These results provide clear guidance and strategic recommendations for product designers and manufacturers, aiming to ensure that local specialty products gain a preferential position in the market.


liu, L. (2024). A Study of Style Design in the Design of Local Specialty Products. Innovation on Design and Culture, 3(4), 10-16.


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