Research Article

Apply Linkogragh to Sketch Ideas in Design Modeling

Chen Li 1, Song Xu 1 *
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1 School of Design and Art, Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai 519087, China* Corresponding Author
Innovation on Design and Culture, 1(3), September 2022, 37-43,
Submitted: 20 July 2022, Published: 30 September 2022
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The purpose of research on design thinking and the design process is to analyze the source of designers' innovation ability and find out the rules of design behavior and the key factors affecting design practice. Sketching is one of the most important activities in design practice, and the process of sketching is inseparable from creativity. In design modeling, the sketch thinking of designers, that is, "drawing graphics to help thinking", is the description of sketch behavior from the perspective of cognition. Based on the sketch ideas obtained by designers in modeling design, we analyzed the design process to find commonalities and differences in the sketch ideas of novice designers. Two subjects were selected to sketch for 30 min each, and the whole design process was recorded. We used linkography to identify the behaviors of the designers in sketching as design moves and links. At last, we built linkographs to present the process of designers identifying shapes from fuzzy sketches to new ideas. Based on the similarities and differences in the sketch ideas between designers, we provided suggestions and considerations to improve design methods and support creative design for novice designers.


Li, C., & Xu, S. (2022). Apply Linkogragh to Sketch Ideas in Design Modeling. Innovation on Design and Culture, 1(3), 37-43.