Research Article

Transformation of the imagery of Taiwan's unique cultural elements into styling design

I-Tien Chu 1, Hsin-Hung Lin 2 *
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1 Department of Commercial Design and Management, National Taipei University of Business, 324022, Taiwan2 Department of Creative Product Design, Asia University, Taichung 41354, Taiwan* Corresponding Author
Innovation on Design and Culture, 3(1), March 2024, 13-21,
Published: 30 March 2024
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Designing cultural goods is meaningful in connecting experiences, memories, and emotions and evoking resonance. The design imbues cultural, historical, and national symbolic emotions with products. Such products induce people's psychological responses through sensory tension and a thematic atmosphere, stimulating consumers’ desire to purchase. By exploring the imagery of Taiwan's unique cultural elements, we investigated how designed products expressed these elements, transforming them into tangible designs. We proposed the “Image Transformation Method” by (1) establishing unique image characteristics, (2) imaginative thinking, (3) strengthening associations, and (4) image transformation. The results help Designers have related concepts to translate cultural imagery into products effectively.


Chu, I.-T., & Lin, H.-H. (2024). Transformation of the imagery of Taiwan's unique cultural elements into styling design. Innovation on Design and Culture, 3(1), 13-21.